Dairy Produce Packers, Coleraine - Dairy Processors
New treatment plant complete for large scale dairy producer plus new factory frontage, security building & car park.
Civils - J. Kennedy & Co., Coleraine
Plants - EPS, Mallow

First Ireland Spirits, Abbeyleix, Co. Laois - Cream Liquor Manufactors
New wastewater treatment facility for cream liquor manufacturer and all service runs from factory and various buildings.
Civils - Matthew Wall, Co. Wexford
Plant - Naas Engineering Environmental, Co. Kildare
Precast - Shay Murtagh , Co. Westmeath

Express Foods (N. I.), Co. Armagh - Dairy Products Plant
Range of works including upgrade dairy wastewater treatment works, sewer modification, work on water and power use in plant minimisation and work on product loss monitoring.
Civils – R.G. Coulter, Co. Down
Plant – FM Environmental, Newry

Glanbia, Virginia, Co. Cavan - Dairy Processor
Factory sewer line modifications, upgrade new wastewater treatment plant and various additions to same.
Main Contractors
- T. McGurk, Co. Cavan
- Fay International, Co. Meath
- EPS, Mallow

Connacht Gold (Shannonside), Ballaghadereen, Co. Roscommon - Dairy Processor
Various upgrades to wastewater treatment facility and general factory work including minor process buildings.
Main contractors
- Joe Madden, Ballaghdereen
- Noel Regan, Ballaghdereen
- EPS, Mallow

Glanbia Drogheda – Dairy Processor
Underground Wastewater Balancing Tank and all associated pipelines and plant.
Civils - Matthew Wall & Co., Co. Wexford
Plant - FM Environmental, Newry

Glanbia Ballitore, Co. Kildare – Dairy Processor
Sludge Dewatering Plant, oil removal and miscellaneous other projects.
Civils - Matthew Wall & Co., Co. Wexford
- Tommy Guing, Co. Kildare
Plant - Solids Technology, Dublin

UDV, Dublin - Cream Liquor and Beverage
Product loss monitoring systems including all sewer work and inter connecting services.
Main contractors
- Beechfield, Dublin
- Astech, Co. Wicklow
- DWN, Dublin

R & W Davidson (Cork) Ltd., - Dairy and Palleting
Flood control works and factory renovations including roofing and wall / base modifications.
Main Contractors
- Descon Ltd, Cork
- Richard Falvey, Cork
- Avonmore Electrical, Mallow

Kerry Foods, Glenealy, Co. Wicklow - Food Processing
Various works including new wastewater treatment plant and later upgrade.
Main Contractors
Civils - John Staunton, Co. Wicklow
Plant - Treatment Systems, Kilkenny
- Naas Engineering & Environmental, Co. Kildare

Henry Good Ltd., Kinsale – Grain Processor
Large underground Wastewater Balance Tank pumping and ancillaries.
Civils - Michael Murphy, Kinsale
Precast - Shay Murtagh Ltd, Co. Westmeath
Plant - Response Engineering, Charleville

Universal Foods Corporation, Cork - Vegetable Processors
New wastewater treatment plant, large security building and service link up to old factory at Middleton.
Main Contractors
- John Sisk & Co, Cork
- Dornan Engineering, Cork
- Manning Electrical, Cork
- Solids Technology, Dublin
- Irish Industrial Tanks, Dublin

Sensient Foods, Marchais, France - Vegetable Processing
New wastewater handling facility including building of all tanks and mechanical fitting of equipment and services, from relocation of plant at Midleton, Co. Cork.
- Dornan Engineering, Cork
- Irish Industrial Tanks, Dublin

Grove Turkeys, Co. Monaghan - Poultry Processing
Treatment plant upgrade and range of works including wastewater pipeline to fields for spray irrigation.
- P. Marron & Co., Monaghan
- F. McCaffrey, Monaghan
- Jones Environmental, Dublin

National By Products, Co. Tipperary – Animal and Blood Rendering
Air handling and treatment and IPC licensing.
Main Contractors
- A & M Construction, Clonmel
- Bord na Mona, Co. Kildare
- Ml. Johnson Engineering, Co. Tipperary
- Rockwell Industries, Co. Cork
- Garland Instrumentation, Nenagh

Dehydration Technologies, Poland - Fruit Processing
New factory on existing derelict site in Poland and fit out.
- DTB Kurozwenki, Poland
- Plastico Milano, Italy

Protrosa, Honduras, C.A. - Fruit Processors
All work associated with modifications to factory building and fit out.
- DTI Honduras, Honduras
- Sean Kelly Tiles, Cork
- Velox Steel, Cork

Mitsui Denman (Irl) Ltd., Little Island, Co. Cork
Solid residue lagoons and a variety of civil works in the factory including both building and underground services.
- D. McSweeney & Son, Cork
- J.A. Wood Ltd.

Weyerhaeuser Europe Ltd., Clonmel - Fibreboard Manufacturer
Surface water upgrading and new solids removal plant c/w new containment building.
- Andrew O’Donnell, Cahir
- Matthew Wall & Co., Co. Wexford
- EPS, Mallow

Cara Partners, Little Island, Cork - Pharmacutical Plant
Wastewater Treatment Plant incorporating Primary, Secondary and Sludge dewatering. A very wide range of in plant projects including various civils in Intake Building and others and including upgrade of drainage system throughout.
Treatment Plant
Civils - John Sisk & Son, Cork
Plant - EPS, Mallow
Intake Building
Arch - Wilson Assoc., Cork
Civils - John Sisk & Son, Cork
Other Projects Included
RH Construction, Cork
Avonmore Electrical, Mallow

SIFA Ltd., Shannon - Pharmaceutical
New wastewater facility including 2 story services / office building and all interconnecting services.
- PJ Walls, Dublin
- EPS, Mallow

Warner Lambert Ltd., Cork - Pharmaceutical
Wastewater characterization study.

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Cannonbridge, Mallow – Housing Development
All work excluding house architecture and layout on new 102 house development.
All underground services, roadways, water treatment etc.

Ml McNamara & Co, Cork – Builders
Due dillegence surveys of buildings at University College Cork and others prior to renovations and building.

Watergrasshill Business Park, Co. Cork – Sewage Treatment
Complete primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment followed by very large sand filter and ground percolation.
Civils – Lynes, Mallow, Co Cork
Plant – FM Environmental, Newry

Various Clients - Earthmoving
Site assessments and permitting for landfill at a large number of locations in Co Cork.

Ashgrove Plant, Cork - Recycling
All work associated with EPA IPC licence and various civil works on site.

Specialist Office Services – Anchor House, South Terrace, Cork
Complete renovation and upgrade of city business premises.
Main Contractor
- Richard Falvey & Co. Ltd., Cork

K.Club, Kildare – Recreation
MBR effluent plant and solids handling area. Variety of other projects including mapping of entire underground serices, detailing and supervision of long rising mains and associated pumping.
Main Contractors
Civils - Cedar Construction, Arklow
Plant - Aquator, U.K.
- EPS, Mallow
- Avonmore Electrical, Mallow

Wiggins & Associates, Lisgoold – Housing Development
Underground services, wastewater and water at new development.

Marina Commercial Park, Cork City
Variety of large scale commercial estate work including underground services.

Active Ireland, At Various Locations throughout Ireland - Housing Development
All civil and underground works on sites in Inch (Kerry), Roney Point (Wexford), Headfort Estate (Kells), Ballykerran (Westmeath), Ballyfree (Wicklow). Kilshane House (Tipperary).

Carrigaholt National School, Co Clare
Treatment works and tertiary filter and percolation for school.
Civils – Thomas Lineen, Co. Clare
Plant – FM Environmental, Newry
Architect : Eamon Hedderman & Associates

Cistercian College, Roscrea
Treatment works for secondary school and community.
Civils – PM Cantwell, Ltd., Kilkenny
Plant – EPS, Mallow
Architect - Eamon Hedderman & Associates
Project Engineers - DBFL

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Cork County Council, Ballyhooley, Co. Cork – Services Extension
New watermain and surface water drainage throughout the village and beyond it to the north.
Main Contractor
- Ml. Lynch Ltd, Killarney, Co. Kerry

Leitrim Co. Council – Aghawillin / Corraleehan G.W.S.
Reservoirs, pumping, mains, disinfection and services serving an area of 50 sq. km. and serving 300 members for domestic and agricultural use. Overal lift in the system from lowest to most elevated members was 200 m.
Civils - Manning Bros., Co. Longford
Plant - Avonmore Electrical Ltd., Mallow

Air conditioning system for control room in Tarbert.
Main Contractor
- Walker Air Conditioning, Dublin

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Planning Applications
Planning Appeals
Property Structural Checks prior to purchase
Dwelling House Design / Renovation

Pictures of additional less recent projects
Planning Matters – Various
Elisa, Ringaskiddy, Co. Cork – Fine Chemical
Gaeleo Little Island, Co. Cork – Chemical Plant
Grove Kantoher, Co. Limerick – Poultry Processing
Irotec, Little Island, Co. Cork – Pharmaceutical
Kilmurry House, Passage West, Co. Cork
Kilshane House, Co. Tipperary – Hotel
Lakelands, Killeshandra, Co. Cavan – Dairy Processor
Monery By Products, Co. Cavan – Animal Byproducts
Nordic Cold Stores, Co. Cork – Food Based Activities
Showerlux, Little Island, Co. Cork – Shower Units
Yates Industries, Little Island, Co. Cork – Copper Foil

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