ARV (Asset Register Vehicle®)

ARV's focus is to give the owner a working database of all the preventative maintenance and retrofits/renovation costs associated with the building. It is initially set-up fo each individual building and can be continually added to, keeping all costs and descriptions in one easy to use location. All ARV data is compatible with BIM. The 'vehicle' comes about from readily identifying the cost items that will change from the 'Initial Status' in the ARV.

ARV Diagram shows the overall working of the ARV. It starts with 'Initial Status' which is orginially carried out by us. For any considered alteration afterwards the owner can readily access the 'Managed' and 'Physical' canges associated with the alteration by, reference to the 'Initial Status'. The owner would also consider any 'Health & Saftey Implications'. This allows the owner to access the cost change on the 'Initial Status'.

                                                                    ARV Diagram

'Initial Status' - we work closley with owners to identfy each element of the initial cost with a brief description/costing associated to create a base reference, show below.

                                                           Base Reference

ARV keeps the hundreds of activities and their associated costs with a building throughout its lifecycle within eary reference.

ARV easily identifies shortlists and summarizes the impact to ongoing costs associated with any considreed alteration. This is done under Managed Change, Physical Change, and Health & Saftey Implacations, shown below.

                                       New Roof Consideration 3D Model

                                       New Roof Consideration Completed ARV